Thursday, March 31, 2011

Roraima: Always On Cloud Nine

Dramatic clouds, heavy rains, and misty fog combine to create a climatic environment unlike anywhere else on Earth. Adiabatic cooling on Mount Roraima causes the formation of cirrostratus clouds and frequent rain. As moist air rises and multiplies, it cools and allows for the production of these specific clouds. The adiabatic process claims sole responsibility for the extraordinary cloud formations and numerous rain showers. Roraima's moist air rises, swells, and cools as it reaches the dew point. The ground gives birth to an eerie radiation fog when the rain ceases to fall.

High clouds and fog engulf the mountain top. Photo from

The mist sets in on Roraima. Photo from

Roraima has an equatorial and tropical climate type. Average temperatures are 24 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius. On the summit, temperatures can drop as low as 4 or 5 degrees Celsius. On account of the large amount of moisture existing in the air, humidity levels can reach a staggering 90%. Humidity, rain, and fog cause a physical struggle for the hiker. Proper gear is paramount if you desire to climb this mountain.

The steady rainfall makes for a much more arduous hike. Photo from

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Angelic Experience

Mount Roraima unveils an environment that encompasses cryptic caves and a breathtaking waterfall. Weathering produced the breaking down of rock formations and as a result, created massive boulders. Weathering also caused the bathing pools to form in the breakdown of rocks. The caves of Mount Roraima are two billion years old. Due to weathering, elongated, carrot shaped formations evolved.

Photo from
Standing at 3,212 feet, Angel Falls takes the prize for the highest waterfall in the world. This waterfall is also properly named, as it exudes resplendence. The Caroni River in southeastern Venezuela actually starts its water flow from Roraima's slopes. An effluent stream leading to the waterfall carries the flow of water over the slope. This overland flow continues into another stream on the ground. Due to the high volume of sedimentary rocks, the groundwater is exceptionally porous. On Mount Roraima, the streams and Angel Falls work in perfect harmony to develop a hydrologic cycle. Explorers and scientists flock to view the incomparable grandeur of Angel Falls.  The Venezuelan park service strongly suggests hiring the indigenous Pemon Indians as guides, for this is their only source of income.

A gorgeous cascade of water: Angel Falls  Photo from

Adventurous trekkers make their way through a stream with huge boulders.
Photo from